Télétravail indépendant ou télétravail salarié : quelles modalités de contrôle et quel degré d’autonomie?
Telecommuting describes a wide variety of work situations and proves so difficult to define as its scope is still fluctuating. It challenges the traditional role of coaching manager and defines new control procedures. This article proposes a reflection on the conditions of application of telework through the notions of control and autonomy. Through the study of ninety-six interviewed – independent and employee-we study how to organize the activity of the teleworker subject to a double imperative, self-employment and control of its business. Organized around four themes, the proposed analysis shows the various telework situations and attitudes of teleworkers face these situations. Various similarities and points of divergence are used to compare independent and employees statutes. To address the problem posed a typology is finally proposed that describes six categories of teleworkers. [googletranslate_en]