Renewing Canada’s social architecture: Employment skills training
Having a decent job is necessary for Canadians’ financial security and to be a part of the community. The purpose of skills training support is to help Canadians, within their ability, remain consistently part of the labour force and have control over their career. Skills training programs exist to help Canadians get good jobs, overcome barriers to entering the labour market, and recover from setbacks such as layoffs. Two target populations are most in need of support from federally backed skills programs: new labour market entrants and those facing long-term unemployment or underemployment. Those new to the labour market or returning after a long absence (such as youth, newcomers to Canada, Aboriginal Canadians, and those living with disabilities) may need support to overcome challenges to finding their first, stable employment and to establishing careers. Workers who have had their careers upended by largescale, disruptive economic forces may need training to help them shift careers.