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Disabled people’s inclusion within UK technical and vocational education and training

This report provides a summary and analysis of a range of models of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) where an objective evidence base, qualitative data and/or expert opinion from within the skills sector make a strong case for their inclusion., It also outlines principles for effective provision, largely drawn from codes of practice setting out the legislative and policy framework in the UK. These principles include: High quality provision to meet the needs of young disabled people, including those with special educational needs; A focus on innovative inclusive teaching practice and removing barriers to learning; Personalised support; Supporting successful preparation for adulthood; Effective early engagement of employers and an emphasis on work-based learning; High expectations and aspirations for young disabled people. The report outlines a number of areas for continued focus and improvement. These include: Creating fair and effective funding for students with the highest needs; Investing in independence for 19 to 25 year olds; Personalised careers education, advice and guidance; Increased employment opportunities.