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16 results

  • Innovation and scaling

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Workplace innovation for quality of work

This project worked with a small sample of Canadian workplaces to adapt research advances from Europe to improve quality of work through employee-led workplace innovation. It also identified what European policy and program issues and initiatives should be explored further to guide Canadian initiatives to scale-up employee-led workplace innovation for quality of work.

Built to scale: Assessing microcredentials for digital sector professionals

This project explored the uptake of microcredentials within digitally intensive industries in Canada, a field projected to grow and change in coming years. The project used a novel form of labour market information — LinkedIn profiles — to discern differences in skill, occupational seniority, and microcredential certification in the tech labour market in Canada.

Lighting up the North

Yukonstruct designed Lighting Up the North, a suite of partner-focused programs with tailored support, connections to resources, and activities that help entrepreneurs spanning multiple target groups to be better equipped to step into entrepreneurship, grow businesses, and access the right funding for their ventures.

Skills for innovation: International case studies

Canada’s domestic manufacturing sector is missing out on opportunities to compete with the rest of the world because innovative employers are unable to find workers with the skills they need, and workers are unsure about what they need to stay relevant.

Skills development for innovation and growth: Insights from global initiatives

This report and accompanying case studies share insights from three skills for innovation training initiatives which can inform the design and operation of models in Canada.

The Mother of Invention: Skills for Innovation in the Post-Pandemic World

To be successful, Canada’s skills strategies must address skills for innovation across sectors from solo entrepreneurs, to small and medium-sized businesses, to large corporations – and even within government itself.

Innovation in Post-Secondary Education

Canada’s post-secondary institutions are well positioned for the future, thanks to innovative approaches and a willingness to use technological advances in education. COVID-19 has challenged these institutions, but they have showed adaptability under pressure by accelerating their adoption of innovations. However, some challenges predate the pandemic such as better inclusion of equity-seeking groups in higher education. Better funding models and greater flexibility can build greater resilience and agility into the system while addressing long-standing challenges and inequities

Luminary: Advancing Indigenous innovation

The Indigenous economy will benefit from increased research collaboration, improved knowledge mobilization, new networks and partnerships that advance economic growth, jobs and well-being.
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