Future Skills Centre at the Inclusive Innovation and the Path to Net Zero
This event will explore new research that has led to a practical approach to supporting SMEs and a roadmap for an inclusive skills strategy for “greenification.”
Apr 8, 2024 08:30:00 - 12:00:00
99 Bank Street 15th floor Ottawa
Diversity Institute
The Future Skills Centre’s Executive Director, Pedro Barata, will speak at the “Inclusive Innovation” event hosted by the Diversity Institute on April 8 in Ottawa. This event will explore new research by the Diversity Institute in partnership with Coralus, supported by FSC, that has led to a practical approach to supporting SMEs and a roadmap for an inclusive skills strategy for “greenification.”
A successful transition to a net-zero economy will require action by SMEs. The role of women and Indigenous entrepreneurs in driving the agenda forward is of particular importance. Yet, SMEs are often left out of the discussion on the transition that is being guided by the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act and the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan.
Join us, as well as business leaders and entrepreneurs, to discuss how to move from words to action. Learn more and register here: Inclusive Innovation and the Path to Net Zero