February 2019: Inaugural Call for Projects
Inaugural Call for Projects
Employment and Social Development Canada’s original call for proposals to establish the Future Skills Centre encouraged proponents to identify an initial suite of ready-to-launch projects.

The consortium partners identified 12 projects through targeted stakeholder engagement. Six projects were eventually selected following an adjudication process by the Centre’s interim project sub-committee.
On April 2, 2019, the Future Skills Centre announced $11.58M in funding over two years for six inaugural innovation projects:
The adjudication was based on an established set of evaluation criteria, including:
- Addressing a clearly defined and well-specified need related to skills development;
- Alignment with the Centre’s Goals to create opportunities for under-represented and vulnerable groups;
- Demonstration that the projects use new and innovative approaches and ideas to answer questions that have not been previously answered about skills development challenges; and,
- Generating useful and actionable evidence on what works in skills development.
Inaugural Innovation Projects
Indigenous ICT Development Centre
Exploring approaches to build awareness and capacity in the information and communications technology sector for Indigenous youth and underemployed communities.
Project Integrate
Testing an integrated assessment model and job matching for youth job seekers
FUSION: Future Skills Innovation Network for Universities
A national network of Canadian universities focused on innovative skills development to prepare students for the future economy
FAST: Facilitating Access to Skilled Talent
Testing expanded occupation streams for an online skills assessment and development platform to help newcomers better enter the labour market.
ADaPT: Digital competencies
New skills training program to test a blended approach for digital and professional competencies.