| youth


Young woman with virtual reality headset.

New Brunswick digital career exploration

Youth explore in-demand career paths and connect with industry experts through virtual tours and workplace…
Image of a gentleman using a sanding machine.

Core skills and rapid response

Indigenous youth benefit from this pilot, which develops a rapid customization process and core skills…
Highschool students holding up sign with science symbols.

STEM skills and an innovation mindset for youth

This project develops STEM skills and an innovation mindset among youth.
Man speaking to a group while woman listens smiling.

Virtual services for career practitioners

This project is a needs assessment of career practitioners and their capacity to offer online…
Group of students around a table smiling.

Language learning for young newcomers

BCIT students pursuing skilled jobs receive English language training and content to support them in…
Group of students listening in a classroom.

Leadership development for Indigenous communities

Indigenous communities will be empowered through a national Indigenous leadership program with links to industry…
Group of young woman clapping during an event.

Services to social impact

Young women will transition out of the services sector and into social entrepreneurship as this…
Grocery store cashier wearing a medical mask and face shield.

On the frontlines of crisis training program

This project is designed for youth with skills gaps by providing training in the culinary…
Two men packaging containers in a restaurant kitchen.

Virtual learning for food and beverage manufacturers

Online training is customized and adapted to support workers in the Canadian food and beverage…