| The Conference Board of Canada

The Conference Board of Canada

Lost opportunities: measuring the unrealized value of skill vacancies in Canada

When an employer wants to fill a vacant job, they are really looking for a…

Transitioning to Jobs in the Clean Economy: From High-Risk Occupations to Green Careers

One in five Canadian employees works at a job that’s vulnerable to automation. The clean…

Green occupations pathways: from vulnerable jobs to rapid-growth careers

The nature of work in Canada is changing. So is our climate. Can we alleviate…

Values, knowledge and vision: how Inuit skills can strengthen northern economies

How can Northern economies grow through Inuit skills and community priorities? This primer explores job…

Made in Nunavut: building Inuit skills for northern offshore fisheries and beyond

This case study analysis focuses on skills training for Nunavut’s commercial offshore fisheries, but the…

Finding value: identifying and assessing social and emotional skills in the tourism and hospitality industry

This impact paper identifies the value of a focus on social and emotional skills (SES)…

Searching for strengths: gaps and opportunities for social and emotional skills development in the tourism and hospitality sector

This briefing identifies gaps and strengths in social and emotional skills across occupations in the…

Skills development in the North: an ecosystem shaped by distinct challenges

The Northern skills ecosystem is shaped by distinct challenges. This primer discusses how these challenges…

Technological Change in the North: How STEM Skills Can Help Indigenous Workers Adaptexternal link icon

The economy in Northern Canada is changing. Sectors, such as mining, forestry, and tourism, can…