| The Conference Board of Canada

The Conference Board of Canada

Hiring Green: An Analysis of the Demand for Green Skills in Canada

This data briefing analyzes the demand for green skills in Canada. It assesses how often…
Image of Vancouver coastline and mountains

Blue Occupation Pathways: Career Transitions to the Sustainable Blue Economy

In this research, we analyze the occupational transitions from 92 high-risk, low-mobility (HRLM) jobs to…

Building workplaces where neurodivergent workers thrive

This report explores strategies and best practices for reducing the economic and social costs associated…
Group of candidates sitting in queue for job interview

The labour market of tomorrow: projections from the Model of Occupations, Skills, and Technology (MOST)

The Model of Occupations, Skills, and Technology (MOST) is a new labour market projection tool,…

Digital skills for today and tomorrow

The rapid digital transformation in Canada due to the pandemic could increase our productivity and…

Beyond blue and white collar: a skills-based approach to Canadian job groupings

Canadian employers are increasingly thinking about work from a skills perspective. This issue briefing takes…

From Low-Mobility to Rapid-Growth Jobs: How Governments and Agencies Can Build the Bridge to Clean Economy Careers

This issue briefing looks at the retraining required to transition workers from occupations susceptible to…

Indigenous finance and management professionals: critical for reconciliation and indigenous self-determination

Indigenous skilled labour is critical to realizing this new vision of economic reconciliation. Indigenous finance…

Bridging the Gap Between Identity and Social and Emotional Skills: Black Canadians’ Perspectives of Social and Emotional Skills in the Workplace

This issue briefing reveals how Black professionals perceive the development, expression, and evaluation of social…