Diplôme et carrière : un lien indéfectible ? Le cas d’une grande entreprise de télécommunication
If the centrality of the degree in the recruitment process and development of early career is a matter of common sense, it is more difficult to accept – or to be seen as a ground of discrimination – when it endures throughout career, especially when it comes to access to leadership positions in an organization, since we should rather expect that only competence and performance are taken into account at this stage. If it is very difficult to measure the impact of a socio-economic system in which graduates of schools have priority access to senior positions of companies, it is however easier to analyze, on an individual level, the role of the diploma in the trajectory of employees. This question is raised in a business that attaches importance to prestigious diplomas: the Orange group. This case study shows that the attitude of the employees to the privileged access of graduates of schools in management, is not necessarily negative and that employees who “succeed” despite a row degree 2 have set implement specific compensation mechanisms such as specialized skills, strong geographical mobility or work in project mode. [googletranslate_en]