Communautés de savoir et innovation : le rôle de l’apprentissage. Une analyse sous l’éclairage d’une théorie basée sur les connaissances
The current era makes the survival of businesses in a predominantly knowledge-based economy, increasingly dependent on the variety of skills and expertise of actors working in the business, and their ability to exploit the existing knowledge and explore new knowledge likely to ignite innovation. The purpose of this research is to describe the role of communities of practice and epistemic as cognitive orientation adopted in the development of innovations and through the analysis of the process of influence of knowledge communities on innovation. We try to approach the subject from the ground through a qualitative case study referred to exploratory. Empirical lessons comfort the theoretical predictions and some interesting conclusions emerge: the knowledge communities are crucial to trigger the two-dimensional learning. Learning exploitation and exploration that does not necessarily lead to innovation exploration but certainly to improve the existing. [googletranslate_en]