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Accompagner le chercheur en SHS à l’ère des humanités numériques. Des outils pour le développement d’une activité cognitive augmentée

In the current context of digital humanities, we present a vision of the place now and that could take digital proc hainement in scientific activity researcher in HSS. After describing the digital humanities as essential in the de velopment of research, we are positioning our work on the one hand from the perspective of instrumental genesis and, secondly, in the context of the accompaniment of the activity researcher in social sciences. Then, we present the results of a survey carried out with scientists. This survey aims to specify their needs and expectations for technical solutions. We then present an experiment conducted as part of the CTBT Conference 2014. The results of this investigation and this experience has lead us to discuss the role of technology dedicated to the development of increased cognitive activity. [googletranslate_en]