| work-integrated learning

work-integrated learning

Hands gesticulating in front of open laptop; person on laptop in background

InTeRN: a young, northern workforce enters the world of ICT

A two-year network computer technology program geared to providing entry level skills and supports to Indigenous youth in Northern Manitoba.
Scientist looking at specimen through a compound microscope

Canadian Alliance for Skills and Training in Life Sciences (CASTL)

Hub for multiple, industry-focused, and applied learning streams to acquire the academic knowledge, technical skills, and professional competencies for a career in biosciences.
Sanjiv Uthayakumar

Helping displaced workers reskill in advanced manufacturing

Sanjiv Uthayakumar had worked in the printing industry maintaining the presses that produced newspapers and flyers in Ontario for several years, when the long simmering downturn in media and declining advertising dollars started to threaten his job security.
A worker looking up at an oil rig.

Transition to a New Tomorrow

Unique professional development program to support mid-career oil and gas workers
A man coding on two screens.

EDGE UP: Energy to Digital Growth Education and Upskilling Project

Digital upskilling project to transition displaced energy sector workers