| reskilling


Hands gesticulating in front of open laptop; person on laptop in background

InTeRN: a young, northern workforce enters the world of ICT

A two-year network computer technology program geared to providing entry level skills and supports to…
Group of students around a table smiling.

Language learning for young newcomers

BCIT students pursuing skilled jobs receive English language training and content to support them in…
Two women looking at a laptop in a library.

ABC Skills Hub

Adults with low literacy and skill levels benefit from online learning for employability and essential…
Mentor providing learning support to mentee in a classroom.

Bridging the Gap: A Learning Platform and Marketplace for Job-seekers and Employers

A scalable system that assesses competencies (using AI based work-related tasks) and issues micro-credentials to…
Two energy workers handling large machinery

Skills Match - The Energy Fit

To assist unemployed/underemployed oil and gas workers to transition to more in-demand energy sector jobs.
Person at an outdoor fruit and vegetable market

Futureproofing the Food and Beverage Processing Workforce

The first systematic testing of a framework to help the food and beverage processing industry…
Scientist looking at specimen through a compound microscope

Canadian Alliance for Skills and Training in Life Sciences (CASTL)

Hub for multiple, industry-focused, and applied learning streams to acquire the academic knowledge, technical skills,…
Woman standing at a counter and working on their laptop

Facing the challenge of digital transformation in the insurance sector: women at work

Action research project on the future of female workers facing the automation of tasks in…