| Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information


What is PIAAC and Why Does It Matter?

Skills provide an essential foundation for employment, health, individual and community well-being, economic growth, and active and informed citizenship.

The Future of Work: Addressing Skill Imbalances in Canada

We’ve lost our balance. Skills shortages were especially acute during the post-pandemic recovery. A Statistics Canada survey from 2022 revealed that over half of employers were grappling with skills gaps and more than two-thirds were struggling to find candidates with the necessary skills.

How working from home is affecting the workplace

The COVID-19 pandemic caused an enduring shift in workplace culture in Canada by dramatically increasing the number of employees who work from home. Initially, the...
image of a northern Canadian landscape

Learning from One Another: Economic and Labour Forecast for Northern Ontario, Yukon, and Nunavutexternal link icon

This project, undertaken for Canada’s Future Skills Centre, drew in various Indigenous, government, and post-secondary partners from Northern Ontario, Yukon, and Nunavut. It features a labour market analysis and economic forecast for each region from 2024 to 2045, as well as descriptions of the in-demand skills and key challenges to workforce and skills development in these Northern regions.
Students on a field trip peering in a bowl

Capturing Change in Indigenous Labour Markets: Local Approach, Pan-Canadian Impact

This initiative aimed to consolidate and enhance accessibility to Indigenous-specific LMI by developing a new Indigenous LMI system.

Unemployment in Canada: A report from the Survey on Employment and Skills

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted employment in many ways and reshaped patterns of work. This report works to better understand the conditions that impact unemployment and that keep individuals from finding a job that fits.

Skills and productivity: Which skills shortages are impacting Canadian productivity?

Canada has a productivity problem. Labour productivity growth—the amount of output produced per hour worked—has stalled. The Canadian economy’s labour productivity at the end of 2023 was around the same as it was in 2017. This is the second time that Canada’s productivity growth has been notably weaker than the United States’ in recent decades, with the first occurring between 2003 and 2012.

Hiring green: An analysis of the demand for green skills in Canada

This data briefing analyzes the demand for green skills in Canada. It assesses how often employers look for 35 different green skills and competencies when hiring.
Multi-ethnic group of students walking

Using behavioural insights to increase post-secondary and career services participation

In the context of a rapidly changing world of work, Canadians need access to better and more relevant labour market information (LMI) to make informed decisions while navigating the labour market. This project, through the execution of a number of randomized control trials, tested how best to inform, empower, and engage Canadians when it comes to making decisions about work.