| Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia

In motion and momentum participants on a Zoom call

In Motion & Momentum+ (IM&M+) - Building Resilience, Hope and Sustainable Futures

IM&M+ is an intensive pre-employability program that supports people to address complex barriers to employment and make progress towards reaching their social and economic potential.
Diverse youth working on their laptops

Upskilling Canadians for In-Demand Tech Careers

NPower Canada’s programs aim to provide unemployed and underemployed individuals from equity-deserving groups with the skills needed to launch meaningful digital careers.
Woman and young child smile together

College Transformation des Collèges

The “College transformation des collèges” project aimed to enhance accessibility to postsecondary education for equity-seeking groups in Atlantic Canada.
Two young men in front of a laptop, smiling

Capacity building for Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises: Skills Bridge

This project sought to understand SME skills and training needs and barriers faced in accessing skills training and talent.

Micro-credentialing for the Canadian Aviation and Aerospace Andustry

The Canadian aviation and aerospace industry currently faces challenges recruiting, training and retaining a qualified workforce. To address this issue, the Canadian Council for Aviation and Aerospace (CCAA) developed and tested a digital learning resource and a stackable micro-credential framework.
two office workers give each other high fives

Employability Skills Assessment Tool

In today’s labour market, employers value social and emotional skills (SES), such as adaptability, collaboration and creativity. While there are many programs in place to help individuals develop SES, they overwhelmingly target children and youth and face limitations due to observer bias and inaccurate self-assessments. To address these gaps, Futureworx developed the Employability Skills Assessment Tool (ESAT), an online tool that supports the assessment and development of SES.

Future of Work Skills Development Program

This project targeted the integration of human-centric skills—like emotional intelligence—with technical competencies, thereby addressing the inadequacies of traditional educational pathways in preparing students for future job markets.
Person attends a video chat on a laptop

Atlantic Autism Supports and Employment Network (AASEN)

Although research has shown that neurodivergent individuals can be highly engaged and productive employees, autistic individuals in the Atlantic Region are significantly underrepresented in the labour market. To address this issue, Autism Nova Scotia created the Atlantic Autism Supports and Employment Network (AASEN).
Two men packaging containers in a restaurant kitchen.

Future-Proofing the Food and Beverage Processing Workforce

This program offered online courses that covered technical and social-emotional skills for different groups of workers. It also provided support and resources to employers and participants.