| Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Population ageing and future labour market challenges

The chapter provides an overview of the labour market challenges posed by a fast ageing…

A policy agenda to develop human capital for the modern economy

Globalization and technological innovation have intensified the demand for college- educated workers. In 2017, college…

The role of knowledge in resolving contemporary economic problems

Knowledge, which is based on information, and coupled with cultural and spiritual values, has become…

A policymaker's guide to labor force participation

Labor force participation among prime-age workers has been declining for many decades. This memo aims…

Public policy in an AI economy

This paper considers the role of policy in an AI-intensive economy (interpreting AI broadly). It…

The challenges of leveraging online education for economically vulnerable mid-career Americans

Economic and technological change has made lifelong learning more important than ever and partly explains…

Economic strategy for higher wages and expanded labor participation

We propose two alternative policy options for promoting increased earnings and employment of low-income households:…

Enhancing job creation through green transformation

This chapter identifies and discusses opportunities and challenges for labour markets and provides examples of…

The discourse of learning technology in Canada: Understanding communication distortions and their implications for decision making

Discourse is an important part of the institutional environment of organizations, but the potential influence…