| Skills Training

Skills Training

A middle aged woman smiling and holding hands with a elderly woman.

Be EPIC: Dementia Training for Mid-Career Workers

Personal support workers (PSWs), who provide direct formal care to persons living with dementia (PLWD), are often under-trained on how to respond to the complex communication impairments and responsive behaviours of PLWD.

Building Local Capacity for Community-based Micrometeorological Monitoring

Northwestern Canada is experiencing double the rate of climate warming compared to the global average, impacting water resources and regional climate. To track these changes, a network of ten eddy covariance (EC) towers—which allow for the tracking of greenhouse gases—were installed across the Northwest Territories. However, the lack of local expertise jeopardizes their upkeep and subsequently the data they track.

Micro-credentialing for the Canadian Aviation and Aerospace Andustry

The Canadian aviation and aerospace industry currently faces challenges recruiting, training and retaining a qualified workforce. To address this issue, the Canadian Council for Aviation and Aerospace (CCAA) developed and tested a digital learning resource and a stackable micro-credential framework.

Skills and productivity: Which skills shortages are impacting Canadian productivity?

Canada has a productivity problem. Labour productivity growth—the amount of output produced per hour worked—has stalled. The Canadian economy’s labour productivity at the end of 2023 was around the same as it was in 2017. This is the second time that Canada’s productivity growth has been notably weaker than the United States’ in recent decades, with the first occurring between 2003 and 2012.

The heart of the matter: Understanding hiring demand for social and emotional skills

This briefing looks at the hiring demand for social and emotional skills across the country for different industries and occupation levels.

Future-proofing the personal support worker workforce: Toward confidence, competence and resilience

Personal support workers (PSWs) often lack appropriate professional development opportunities despite playing a crucial role in Ontario’s health-care system, especially in the face of new challenges like the pandemic. To address this gap, the University Health Network (UHN) team collaborated with new and existing partners to develop and launch education and advocacy resources to increase PSW competence, confidence and resilience in providing safe and effective care. 

Shock-proofing postsecondary: Digital transformation in applied learning

This project, initiated by Saskatchewan Polytechnic, aimed to address the challenges in online education exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The project focused on enhancing the online learning experience in applied fields such as information technology, agriculture, health care, manufacturing and warehousing. The success of these sectors are critical to the success of the Canadian economy and are traditionally dependent on hands-on training. The initiative targeted equity-deserving groups, including women, Indigenous people, newcomers, and individuals with disabilities.
technician explains a work tool to a young woman in a workshop

Skills, Explore, Achieve, Revive (SOAR)

Have questions about our work? Do you need access to a report in English or French? Please contact communications@fsc-ccf.ca. How to Cite This ReportChan, G.,...

On the frontlines of crisis training program

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was an increased demand for food production and distribution services from non-profit community service organizations, and an increased need for workers with the right mix of skills to meet this demand. In response, Weston Frontlines Centre created the Frontlines of Crisis Training Program, a 15-week hybrid training program to prepare young people with skills relevant for food production and distribution in the non-profit sector.