The talent challenge: Rebalancing skills for the digital age
For it’s annual CEO survey, PwC conducted 1,293 interviews with CEOs in 85 countries. The findings reveal that CEOs are more optimistic than ever about the prospects for global growth over the next 12 months. Growth is there for the taking – but leaders need to navigate a maze of business threats to get there. Capitalising on these prospects is as much about talent as technology, if not more so. People, not systems, drive innovation and realise its full commercial potential. Artificial intelligence (AI), automation, and new ways of working bring the potential for huge benefits, but they also bring anxiety for employees and threaten societal disruption. People strategy weighs heavily on CEOs’ minds. If businesses are to attract the workers they need – and concern about the availability of skills has never been higher – to deliver the best possible performance and productivity from their organisation, they need to have trust on their side.