The jobs potential of a shift towards a low-carbon economy
It is now widely recognised that it is essential to decouple economic growth from unsustainable environmental pressures, such as those leading to global climate change, and that a successful transition towards a low-carbon economy will necessarily reshape the labour market. Labour market and skill policies can make an important contribution to a successful transition by facilitating the structural change required to put green production practices in place, for example by minimising skill bottlenecks in expanding green sectors. The “greening” of the labour market will create new opportunities for workers, but also new risks that could undermine political support for green growth policies. Accordingly, labour market and skills policy should also seek to maximise the benefits of green growth for workers while assuring that unavoidable adjustment costs are shared fairly. Therefore, the aim of this report is to provide guidance for how best labour market and skill development policy can contribute to a fast, efficient and fair transition to a low carbon and resource efficient economy, particularly in developed countries.