Les technologies collaboratives ? Une source d’inspiration pour une nouvelle ingénierie de formation
In recent years, the rise of so-called collaborative technologies has led to many changes in work organization. In the construction sector, this trend is manifested by the significant increase in the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in Europe, the United States, Canada and Japan (Chaudet et al, 2016. McGraw Hill Construction, 2014).
Seeing this issue on the horizon, CEGEPs Old Montreal and Limoilou anticipated in 2013, the emergence of training needs related to BIM. They contacted The Associated General Contractor of America (AGC), one sector of the most important associations of the construction in the United States and agreed with them to become the official broadcasters of their BIM training in the Francophonie. After a work of adaptation and translation of training and a huge operation and information dissemination to stakeholders in the construction industry, the PeBIM program was launched in January 2015. The CEGEPs have further recognize the fact program SOFEDUC and the CanBIM Professional, Canadian certification body BIM. Since the École de technologie supérieure (ETS) joined the colleges for the dissemination of the program and the movement continued, CEGEPs have developed a set of specialized training in BIM.
BIM interested Observatory for two reasons. First, it seems to infuse new forms of collaboration between educational institutions and industry players. Second, these reports tend to redefine the training design process. According Leesa Hodgson and Simon Brodeur, respectively director and academic adviser to the direction of continuing education and businesses Cégep du Vieux-Montreal, BIM has a “collaborative” effect. We return here on this and reflect on its scope on the issue of training and employment. [googletranslate_en]