Définition et sélection de l’expert IT : Approches cognitives et sociales
The purpose of this study was to analyze the mode of selection of experts in information technology (IT) area where the formalization of this selection process is not yet established. This can be explained by the multitude of definitions and assignments designating the expert and expertise. Indeed, by focusing on the most commonly applied definitions of the expert, discrepancies between areas of expertise are highlighted. This creates in some of the barriers to the promotion of the profession and demobilize potential candidates. On this basis, this work develops a recent example: the case of European IT2Rhine project. Through an ethnographic approach, this case study can present a method of selection of experts in a particularly interesting setting, since the project’s initiators are not from the same sectors (academic, industrial …) and n ‘so have different recruitment requirements. However, led by their common goal, they managed to build a matrix containing the main characteristics that each of them considered essential to an expert in IT. [googletranslate_en]