Competency based recruitment decisions: A lens model approach
This study showcases an empirical approach to delineate how competencies should be deployed for the purpose of recruitment decisions. A competency-based approach using the Brunswikian lens model was adopted to generate predictors. Three major competencies (people, individual, and business orientation) of HR incumbents were identified in an earlier study. Sixteen vignettes were designed to yield a 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 (High/low people × High/low individual × High/low business orientation × Urban/rural background) completely within factorial design. These vignettes were administered to 35 HR professionals. The main effects of individual, business, & people and their 2-way interactions were significant. Cluster analysis categorized judges who have similar decision-making patterns. Comparing results of binomial logistic with ranking scores illustrates that the way interviewers actually evaluate candidates may differ from the way they believe they evaluate. Interrater reliability indicated ‘poor’ extent of agreement among judges. The results obtained have been discussed in terms of Brunswik’s Lens model.