Bâtir une main-d’oeuvre canadienne hautement qualifiée et résiliente au moyen du laboratoire des compétences futures
To accomplish a mission so ambitious, laboratory of future skills will have three basic functions.
1. Support innovative approaches to skills development: seek, select and co-finance innovative pilot programs in development and skills development that bridge the identified gaps among workers, post-secondary students and young people.
2. Identify and propose new sources of information on skills: Collect the signals of skills needs labor market by raising a pilot project proposals portfolio, supporting innovative information initiatives on the labor market oriented employer expectations, using web sources to extract and synthesize the emerging trends in the labor market and establishing links between skills and abilities.
3. Define the objectives of skills and advise governments on programs focusing on skills: rigorously measure the results of targeted training programs and forward-looking information and initiatives on skills, identify and disseminate best practice general for education and training stakeholders across Canada and determine a set of skills for future goals. If the players decide to participate, these objectives can then help direct more than 17 billion in annual public expenditure on development and training programs on the work of organizations that produce and analyze information about the Canadian labor market and practitioners directly involved in training and education programs. [googletranslate_en]