Adult, Community and Further Education Board strategy 2020-25: Skills for study, work and life
This Adult, Community and Further Education Board Strategy 2020–25 has been developed based on extensive stakeholder consultation, a scan of the operating environment (including Victorian Government policy directions), and a review of relevant research literature and the Adult, Community and Further Education Board Strategy 2016–19. The Strategy is a primary means to implement the 2019 Statement of the Minister for Training and Skills and Minister for Higher Education on Adult Community Education. The Ministerial Statement establishes priority directions for policy, and this Strategy aligns closely with those directions. Linkages with the Statement are outlined in later sections of the Strategy. This strategy establishes a blueprint for adult community and further education in Victoria for the next six years and is the primary means by which the Ministerial Statement will be implemented. In fulfilment of the Adult, Community and Further Education Board’s statutory roles and functions under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006, the Strategy responds to trends and challenges in the Learn Local sector, including changes in learner needs, changing modes of skills acquisition, changes in place-based models, changes in industry and the nature of work, policy and regulatory changes at the State and Commonwealth Government levels, and changes in society more generally. Above all, it reflects the right of people to access core education and training.