| Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Aggregate growth, 1950–2005

Since the Second World War, western Europe has experienced an unprecedented period of growth, but…

The college wage premium over time: Trends in Europe in the last 15 years

While there has been intense debate in the empirical literature over the evolution of the…

Technology diffusion: Measurement, causes and consequences

This chapter discusses different approaches pursued to explore three broad questions related to technology diffusion:…

Policies to reintegrate former inmates into the labor force

Incarceration rates in the United States have more than tripled in recent decades as rehabilitation…

The causes and consequences of polarization

Rarely these days does a news cycle pass without new stories of political dysfunction in…

Reflections on the 'new secular stagnation hypothesis'

Six years after the Global Crisis, the recovery is still anaemic despite years of near-zero…

Volume 2: Developing country trends and insights from four country case studies

The future of work has recently attracted much attention from a variety of institutions, from…

How we're predicting AI—or failing to

This paper will look at the various predictions that have been made about AI and…