Key Themes
The Future Skills Centre aims to build a future-focused, skills innovation hub in Canada to help prepare workers and employers for ongoing labour market changes.
We are constantly gathering and sharing research and insights about the labour markets of today and tomorrow. We are a pan-Canadian initiative, connecting ideas and innovations generated across Canada so that employees and employers can succeed. FSC is building a network and Community of Practice to share and learn, and supporting over 170 pilot projects with the hope of sourcing innovation from the ground up – touching every region, sector and population.
Many disruptions to the labour force have been occurring in recent years, and these will have profound implications for the workforce of the future. The impact of technology, shifting demographics, policy inequities that magnify income inequality, uneven access to training, climate change and global market forces, are all leading to challenges in key sectors of Canada’s economy.
increase in businesses implementing Artificial Intelligence between 2015 and 2019 (Source: Skills Next)
jobs in the "clean economy" projected by 2028 (Source: Conference Board of Canada)
2.1 mil
people employed in Canada’s agricultural and agri-food system in 2020 (Source: Agriculture Canada)
Quality of Work
Quality of work encompasses many factors that can impact the overall well-being of employees. It is an important driver of labour force participation, worker motivation and engagement, productivity and retention.
Sustainable Jobs
As Canada advances its net-zero targets, we need a skills and training agenda to support both a net-positive job growth in the economy and transitioning at-risk workers in sectors that will decline.
Key Findings
Artificial intelligence will continue, disrupting work as we know it, which presents both risks and opportunities.
Source: AI learning bulletin
Effective training is leading to employment success, and agility is the new normal for people and organizations.
The more that microcredentials prove useful in solving problems and filling labour market gaps, the more likely they may someday become an established part of the educational system.