Quel leader et business model ouvert pour les écosystèmes-plateformes de type NFC ?
This article focuses on ecosystems type’plateforme (Koenig, 2012). It focuses in particular on the case of emerging ecosystems where the leader and the pivot platform not previously identified. It applies for this strategic prototyping methods (Chanal et al., 2011) in case of an ecosystem of Near Field Communication nascent which he characterizes the business model. In support of a theoretical framework mobilizing the literature on the platform and business model strategies open, analysis of the value proposition and NFCampus case of architectural value possible to show first that the emergence of ecosystems NFC falls within the joint of two types of pivots platforms as defined by Boudreau and Lakhani (2009). As shown in this article secondly, positioning in the leading role of a key actor is identified through the open model business (BMO) and the role of its platform. The actor identified leader ecosystem birth may instead be dethroned in expansion phases and authority (after dissemination of innovation to end users). [googletranslate_en]