Progrès technique et automatisation des taches routinieres: une analyse a partoir des marches du travail locaux en France dans les années 1990-2011
France, like other advanced economies, has experienced significant transformation of labor demand over the past three decades. We tested one of the main hypotheses to explain this development: technical progress for the most skilled workers, driven by the spread of information technology and communication and automation of routine tasks, leading to their disappearance in favor of high-skilled jobs on the one hand, low-skilled jobs of the other services. From a theoretical model developed by Autor and Dorn (2013), which identifies the effects of technical progress from the structure of employment of local labor markets, we show the existence of a link between progress technology and changes in the structure of employment between 1990 and 2011 in France. In particular, low-skilled workers fail over from routine jobs to service jobs or to unemployment. We also show that the transformation of labor demand interacts with a functional specialization of territories. These results are robust to the inclusion of other assumptions, such as the influence of globalization and international trade, or of demographic changes. [googletranslate_en]