Maximising employment and skills in the offshore wind supply chain: Volume 1- Main report
The offshore wind energy sector has been identified as having the potential for employment growth in the next decade. This study is intended to explore the extent and nature of that employment growth and implications for government, employers and other stakeholders in light of current spending and policy priorities. In particular the research explores the role that skills demand and supply may play in helping the sector achieve its full potential; and the lessons for other emerging sectors that might help to rebalance the UK economy1 • risks to making the most of the employment opportunities afforded by offshore wind energy generation; and . The study’s aims were to identify: • responses to those risks and potential actions that could be taken by government, industry, firms, individuals and providers of education and training to make the most of the offshore wind energy sector’s employment and skills potential. The first phase of the research comprised a wide-ranging literature review on the public policy environment and the offshore wind energy sector, including previous research on employment forecasts, and a series of bilateral consultations with employers, training providers and other stakeholders in the sector. The findings of this initial phase were analysed and synthesised for calibration at two policy-workshops, which were also used to discuss potential actions on skills issues. Two in-depth supply chain case studies were conducted on existing offshore wind farms to draw out learning, practice and observations for the future. In preparing the final report, the study also drew on the latest employment forecasts for the sector.