Investing in the future of jobs and skills: Scenarios, implications and options in anticipation of future skills and knowledge needs
This report presents the final results of the study Comprehensive analysis of emerging competences and economic activities in the European Union in the electricity, gas, water and waste sector. The report is part of a series of sixteen future-oriented sector studies on innovation, skills and jobs under the same heading, commissioned by the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities). Eleven of these studies were executed by a core consortium led by TNO (Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research) and consisting of TNO Innovation Policy group (Leiden, the Netherlands), TNO Labour (Hoofddorp, the Netherlands), TNO Innovation and Environment (Delft, the Netherlands, SEOR Erasmus University (Rotterdam, the Netherlands) and ZSI (Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna, Austria). The core consortium was in charge of the overall management of the study, the further elaboration and application of the overall approach and methodology, as well as data collection and analysis (see annex 1 for team composition).