Hope is not a strategy: Our shared responsibility for the future of work and workers
On 19 October 2017 the Senate established the Select Committee on the Future of Work and Workers, chaired by Senator Murray Watt, to inquire and report on the impact of technological and other change on the future of work and workers in Australia, with particular reference to: (a) the future earnings, job security, employment status and working patterns of Australians; (b) the different impact of that change on Australians, particularly on regional Australians, depending on their demographic and geographic characteristics; (c) the wider effects of that change on inequality, the economy, government and society; (d) the adequacy of Australia’s laws, including industrial relations laws and regulations, policies and institutions to prepare Australians for that change; (e) international efforts to address that change; and (f) any related matters., For clarity, this report sets out the key issues raised in evidence before the committee individually. Chapters are therefore divided thematically as follows: chapter one sets out inquiry administrative processes; chapter two looks at how work is changing in Australia; chapter three assesses arguments around the possible impact of technology on jobs; chapter four examines ways in which Australia’s workplace law can be modernised and enhanced, to provide fairness for all; chapter five looks at our approach to knowledge and skills; and chapter six looks at ways the Australian social security and superannuation systems will need to evolve as work evolves. The report makes several recommendations designed to support the Australian government in preparing and committing to a long-term plan to prepare Australian workers, business and the economy for coming technological change.