Future of Work Survey Report 2: Business requests for new software applications soaring globally, but 50-percent end in failure
Appian’s Future of Work survey, conducted by IDG, posed wide-ranging questions to global IT leaders about the state of enterprise IT and its alignment with business in driving transformation. Respondents comprised of 500 senior level IT executives, Director and above, at global companies with over 1000 employees. More than half the respondents were C-level (CIO, CTO, CSO).
Survey results are being published in a series of reports that each drill into specific segments of the global data.
Key Takeaways in this report:
– The typical large enterprise in the US and Europe makes 180 app development requests to IT every year 15% of those requests are never started,15% are never finished, and 20% are delivered but don’t meet the business need
– Technical debt consumes 40% of IT’s development time