Former la main-d’oeuvre de demain: Une responsabilité partagée
In the fall of 2015, Ontario appointed the five members of the Expert Committee of the Prime Minister for the development of a highly skilled labor (the “Committee”): President Sean Conway and members Carol Campbell, Ph. D., Robert Hardt, Alison Loat and Pradeep Sood. (See Appendix E:. Biographies of Committee Members) Committee members were selected based on their professional experience, knowledge of the business environment, their relationships with various stakeholder groups and their understanding of employers, the world of education and the public sector, as well as issues affecting the labor market. The Committee was mandated to develop an integrated strategy to help the current and future workforce in the province to adapt to the demands of a knowledge economy focused on technology, establishing a bridge between the media skills development, education and training. [googletranslate_en]