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État d’équilibre du marché du travail: Diagnostic pour 500 professions

The Quebec labor market is now in an enviable position. It tends towards full employment, with an unemployment rate that has never been lower. This phenomenon, which affects many regions of Quebec, is due to a good performance in creating jobs as well as to decrease the size of the elderly population of 15 to 64 years that began in 2014. This full employment will be extended over time as more than 1.4 million jobs will be vacant in Quebec over the period 2017-2026.
 This performance of the labor market is good news because it offers great opportunities to all those who wish to participate in with jobs that match their skills and aspirations. In turn, this leads to labor scarcity phenomenon for employers.
 The government is actively working to manage issues related to the new realities of the labor market, especially for Quebec has a sufficient number of workers and skilled workers. It is in this spirit that Emploi-Québec, in collaboration with the regional offices of Services Québec, generates employment forecasts by industry and occupation for each administrative region. The lists on the status of quantitative balance of work by short-term market occupation (2018) and medium term (2021) fall within the framework of concrete actions the government is taking to improve knowledge of current and future needs of the labor market and find courses of action to reduce labor imbalances.
 With this publication, Emploi-Québec informs the various stakeholders of the labor market to support them in making informed decisions, thereby contributing to the formation adéqation-compétencesemploi. The document is divided into two sections: the first presents the main employment forecasts for the entire labor market for certain groups of professions, and the second shows the diagnostics related to occupation labor needs and region. [googletranslate_en]