Deep shift: Technology tipping points and societal impact
Digital connectivity enabled by the software technologies is changing the society fundamentally. The scale of the impact and the speed of the changes taking place have made the shift so different from any other industrial revolutions in human history. The Global Agenda Council on the Future of Software and Society conducted a survey of 800 executives to fully capture when would these game-changing technologies breaking into the public domain to a significant degree, and the implication of these shifts to individual, organizations, government and society. It is clear through navigating the 21 dazzling technology shifts that the world will function quite differently 10 to 15 years from now. We hope that the report will provide some key insights to consider and trigger more broad discussion around the impact of technology, and how can we be better prepared for the changes to come. This report is the first of its kind – one aimed at trying to capture some of the deep shifts occurring in society as a result of software and services, and to encourage everyone to think about the impact of these changes on our society and how to prepare for the changes ahead.”