Better, faster, stronger: Maximizing the benefits of automation for Ontario’s firms and people
The Condition of Work Readiness in the United States highlights levels of work readiness for various subgroups of an estimated 4 million ACT WorkKeys examinees in the United States and provides ACT Work Readiness Standards and Benchmarks for targeted occupations over the next 8-10 years. Data are presented for ACT WorkKeys examinees from 2006-2011 for three cognitive assessments: Reading for Information, Applied Mathematics, and Locating Information. These three skills have been consistently identified as important for success in a broad range of jobs, making them œessential foundational skills. Occupational profiles in the ACT JobPro® database were used to determine work readiness benchmarks for three selected groups of targeted occupations (those projected to be in demand, growing, and high paying) and grouped into three education categories (high, middle, and low). The report investigated the assumption that individuals with a given level of education have the requisite skills for occupations requiring that level of education. A gap analysis was conducted to compare examinees by education group for occupations requiring similar levels of education for entry into employment. œSkills gap was defined as a gap between the skills needed for a job requiring a given level of education versus those skills possessed by workers with that level of education.