


DiversityLeads: Diverse representation in leadership - A review of 10 Canadian cities

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A man interacts with artificial intelligence to optimize and automate computing, security, backup, cloud and data transfer processes.

An Equity Lens on Artificial Intelligence

This paper explores the reasons behind AI’s impact on equity and quality (the ‘why’) and the ways in which AI influences these issues in practice (the ‘how’), offering insights for leaders, policymakers, and students on navigating current and future AI developments.

Bridging the Gender Gap: Skills for the Advancement of Women

Despite having in-demand skills and high education levels, research shows that women’s careers continue to stall before senior leadership, leading to a significant lack of diverse representation on boards and at executive levels.
Diverse youth working on their laptops

Upskilling Canadians for In-Demand Tech Careers

NPower Canada’s programs aim to provide unemployed and underemployed individuals from equity-deserving groups with the skills needed to launch meaningful digital careers.
Group of students looking at a piece of paper and discussing.


This project aimed to foster resilience among creatives through the development and testing of an online marketplace based on a platform cooperative model—an equitable and democratic business structure designed to empower rather than exploit creatives.

From Policy to Action: Building Infrastructure for Social and Economic Impact

AnchorTO, established by the City of Toronto in 2015, formed a network with 18 public sector institutions to embed community wealth-building practices into their work, primarily within their procurement strategies.
Woman and young child smile together

College Transformation des Collèges

The “College transformation des collèges” project aimed to enhance accessibility to postsecondary education for equity-seeking groups in Atlantic Canada.
A woman teaching a younger girl how to drill and build a wooden box.

Doing It Right

The Doing It Right project, based in the Yukon, sought to address the barriers faced by women and gender-diverse individuals in the skilled trades.
Diverse youth working together at a laptop


In an effort to more accurately reflect the diversity of the population, there is a great demand for equity-deserving artists across the arts and culture sector. However, careers in arts and culture most often involve non-traditional employment, with professionals taking up multiple employment opportunities, including self-employment, entrepreneurship and contract jobs within a range of organizations.