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Le salariat comme mode de domestication de l’ubérisation des prestations intellectuelles ? Le cas des entreprises de portage salarial

Through the example of the portage, this article aims to explore the links between employment status and skills necessary for performing work in the digital era capitalism. This form of employment, which allows independent workers to gain employee status by signing a contract with a third-party employer (company portage), participates as a redefinition of roles employer and employee, while transforming the way trading links operate between client and worker. In us based on interviews with employees worn, interviews with directors and permanent porting companies, as well as a press review, we will seek to explore the impacts of ubérisation on a population often ignored by these analyzes : the intellectual professions. We will ask how well a specific platform type portage of businesses come out with other digital platforms and contribute to pluralisation skills mobilized by worn in the daily exercise of their work. [googletranslate_en]