August 2019: Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals

Canada’s competitiveness and prosperity rely on a skilled and competent workforce.

There is mounting evidence, however, that in a time of rapid economic and labour market change, we need to act collectively to ensure our skills development ecosystem keeps pace with the scale of disruption we are facing.

Call Collage

There is an urgent need to better understand what skills Canadians require to prosper and how Canada can leverage its skills development infrastructure to meet the needs of workers and employers across the country today and into the future. View the announcement.

The objective of this Call for Proposals is to identify, test and evaluate innovative projects that have the potential to generate actionable evidence about how to better equip Canadians with the skills required to navigate a fast-changing labour market.

In August 2019, the Future Skills Centre invited proposals to address one of these three questions: 

  1. How can we best support Canadians facing labour market disruption to transition to new jobs or industries?
  2. How can employers be more effectively engaged in developing and delivering demand-driven solutions to skills gap challenges?
  3. How can skills development systems be optimized, building up the capacity of service providers and encouraging collaboration between organizations?  

Application Process

The application process for this Call for Proposals involves three stages.

  • Stage 1: In September 2019, 360 Letters of Interest were submitted and assessed by an adjudication panel, subject matter experts, and staff. Decisions were communicated to all applicants mid November.
  • Stage 2: Successful Stage 1 applicants are now being invited to submit a full application using the application form by 5pm EST on January 13, 2020.
  • Stage 3: Interviews with Stage 2 shortlisted projects will take place in February 2020. Final decisions will be communicated by the end of February.

Successful projects will be announced in March 2020.

Application Guidelines & Resources

Please read the below guidelines and resources before applying to our Calls for Proposals. If you have questions about our call for proposals process, please email

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